Showing posts with label Modifikasi Honda Vario. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modifikasi Honda Vario. Show all posts

Sunday, December 13, 2009



yamaha mio, vario modifikasi, motor vario, motor honda vario, modifikasi honda vario, mio, honda vario techno, honda vario indonesia, honda motor, honda indonesia

Dengan warna dasar putih, kombinasi apik dengan kaki-kaki lebar dan kokoh khas gaya racing performance. Cover bodi Vario CBS Techno sudah cukup cantik tanpa ubahan, cus modelnya yang sporty dan bersudut tajam mendukung banget dibikin style ini. Dongkrak saja bagian bawah ini dengan velg lebar dan ban gambot. Joknya lantas dibuat berundak ala GP style, pasti cukup keren diajak ngider harian.

VELG : Rp 2 juta
BAN : Rp 1 juta
DISC CAKRAM PSM : Rp 500 ribu
OIL COOLER : Rp 300 ribu
MONOSOK : Rp 200 ribu
KNALPOT CUSTOM : Rp 500 ribu
JOK : Rp 700 ribu
ONGKOS MODIF : Rp 2 juta

vario cbs techno low rider

Style celub bak chooper paling ngetrend dipasang ke Vario CBS Techno. Velg custom ngambil punya mobil dengan ban Deli Tire or Bridgestone ukuran gajah sip diaplikasi. Nggak lupa plat molorin CVTnya kudu wajib dipasang. Style chooper makin sip dengan mengganti stang dan pipa knalpotnya, urusan tampangnya Vario CBS Techno udah keren buanget, cuy!

PELEK CUSTOM : Rp 5 juta
BAN DELITIRE : Rp 2 juta
OIL COOLER : Rp 300 ribu
SETANG CUSTOM : Rp 500 ribu
ONGKOS MODIF : Rp 3 juta


Buat yang demen adventure gaya trail penggaruk lumpur pasti pas. Vario CBS Techno klop pula dimodif model ini. Ubahannya lebih simpel, ganti karet ban model tahu dan tambahkan pipa roll bar sebagai asesorisnya.

BAN : Rp 700 ribu
CAKRAM TDR : Rp 600 ribu
KNALPOT : Rp 300 ribu
ROLL BAR : Rp 400 ribu
JOK : Rp 500 ribu
SETANG : Rp 500 ribu
SEPATBOR TRAIL : Rp 200 ribu
SOKBEKER WP : Rp 400 ribu

vario carrier

Demen matic Jap style and turing? Sosok modern Vario CBS Techno sudah mumpuni. Tinggal cat ulang dengan kelir putih dengan kombinasi merah, pasti fresh. idenya nyomot Honda Beat dari beat 2 go dari lomba honda otocontest 2009. Setangnya ganti trondol dengan pelek custom ngambil punya pelek kaleng mobil atau punya hade lawas. Jerujinya bikin rapat lurus agar terkesan bersih dan elegan. Selanjutnya tambahkan bagasi dibelakang. Mo angkut barang? Sok wae atuh!

PELEK CUSTOM : Rp 2 juta
BAN : Rp 1 juta
JOK CUSTOM : Rp 400 ribu
SETANG : Rp 200 ribu
EXTENDED : Rp 200 ribu
BAGASI : Rp 2 juta

variao ape hanger

Yang demen bobber or gaya ape hanger bisa keren juga berbasis Vario CBS Techno. Setang dibikin meninggi dengan tambahan behel besi memanjang dibelakang, bikin boncenger nyaman diajak jalan jauh. Model bodi Vario CBS Techno yang modern jadi makin tampak garang dengan paduan kaki-kaki gambot customized ini. Mau..mau..mau…

BAN : Rp 1 juta
CAKRAM PSM 320 : Rp 500 ribu
PELEK CUSTOM : Rp 1,5-3 juta
KNALPOT : Rp 500 ribu
EXTENDED CVT : Rp 200 ribu
CAT : 1 juta

Thursday, December 3, 2009

modifikasi honda vario, honda vario, motor vario modifikasi, modifikasi mio, vario techno modifikasi, vario techno, gambar modifikasi vario

I need to dirombak extreme, with the modified medium only, the view is nice skubek views. For example, Low Rider Honda Vario in 2006 and owned by John Hanafie Suka Ananta Putra. Both have the concept and the same motif.

Both equally follow the flow of low rider with a flame pattern. That distinguish basic color only. Jo - John carib greeting - have red paint, while Putra tua.Uniknya green background, they do not have cords of brotherhood. Also stay far apart, Jo - punggawa X-16 - live in Bekasi, while Putra in Jati Bening, East Jakarta. Chance they were attracted to the style low rider Honda Vario and agree dirombak fitting low rider.

"Compared to other skubek, Vario stable. Ditilik from the body and frame is longer, but also not too wide and there are no symptoms in the dock foot-feet, "they said.

Trus, altered low rider does not suck up a lot of cost and time. The space between the rear wheel position with a standard crank-case standard CVT is still wide. Not to mention the space distance between the tire tread with the engine crank-case is also far.
Duo Low Rider Honda Vario

So, when filled with tires 140/60-14 at the wide rim custom, do I need to change around the crank-case. Even without the engine mounting tide variations. "In order for the position of the back tires straight samapa front, engine mounting digeser to the left is not more than 1.5 mm. Tolerance so that the original shift sokbreker are safe without having to change the holder's grip sokbreker and sokbreker default position, "said Jo. Therefore, why Vario dimodif low rider still tasty dipakai.Tadi, above the already mentioned differences in the basic colors modif. In fact there's more, try setangnya lyrics. Have Putra ¾ pinch bar from Honda Tiger REVO. In fact, before he was desirous, if combined with the low rider chopper. And the idea is brilliant son Jo akkhirnya taken with a handlebar fatbar on motornya. (KR15)

Vario Putra
Duo Low Rider Honda Vario
Tire front: FDR 80/90-17
Rear tire: Delitire 140/60-14
Pelek: Tdr & Custom Cars
Exhaust: Custom
Spidometer: Koso
Rearview mirror: Variations on H-D

Vario Johanes
Front tire: 70/90-17 Comet
Rear tire: Delitire 140/60-14
Pelek: Daiichi & Custom Cars
Exhaust: Custom
Handlebar: Custom
Spidometer: Koso
Rearview mirror: Variations on H-D
Airbrush: Airbrush Tomi

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Customed Honda Vario

Here are some pics which submitted by Bayu Pratomo to mailbox. He just made some simple modifications with his Honda Vario, but it seems cooled and different. He only said that he use 17 TDR tyre, 250 for rear and 200 for front one. As you can see on these pics, Bayu also chrome his CVT cover and replace the fornt disc brake with larger one. Thanks for sharing, Bayu …

modifikasi honda vario

modif  vario

vario  modifikasi